Wilderness road and Hallingsafallet falls

After an early breakfast we set out on the path along the river and canyon to the Hallingsfallet falls.  This canyon is very impressive and the falls at the end spectacular and well worth the walk in.  Rob decided they were better than Niagara, especially their setting in the wilderness. 

 To make the morning even more special we were lucky enough to see a nest of three young raven chicks half way down the canyon wall. 

 Back to the van and onward around the wilderness road.  We travelled past lakes and forests climbing steadily up and past the tree line onto the mountain plateau.  Patches of snow were still in abundance and many of the lakes were still partly frozen.  

 Bird life at first seemed very sparse, but we were not allowed to leave the roadside because the rangers had to close off all the paths due to some despicable idiots who had been stealing the ground nesting birds eggs.  As usual a few people spoiling it for the majority.  Nevertheless, the sun came out, and from our van we spotted five new species of bird for us!  The landscape beautifully austere and the only sound was the rush of water over the cascades. 

The end of the day saw us parked alongside the biggest cascade we have yet encountered, Trappstegsforden at Njakafjall.

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