Oslo on route

We found our camper stop at the Sjolyst Marina near the peninsular at Bygdoy. This is the island with a lot of museums on it , that seemed interesting to us.
We walked in from the Marina through pleasant countryside, considering how close to the city centre we were and spent the rest of the day Museuming.
First the Viking ship museum with three boats which had been excavated from burials sites in the area. These date from around 900 AD and were very well restored as they had been in blue clay which had preserved them very well.  The valuables had been looted very soon after burial as with the Pyramids in Egypt but there were still many artefacts on view. They believed very strongly in the afterlife,  so again as with Egypt there were all the things necessary for the comfort of the desceased.  There were carts and sledges, horses and jewellery and much more. This provided us with a very good insight into the culture of the time.   

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