Jerte valley and Garganta de los Infiernos

From the north east of Plasencia the N110  runs up the Jerte valley. This is famous for its Cherry trees and at this time of year they are in full blossom and the whole valley is white over for miles.

Cabezuela del valley, a small town on route, had a cherry and flower festival in full swing.
We were on our way to Garganta del Infierno for a walk, about time we had some exercise after a long relaxing winter.
The walk followed the river on its way up the mountain through some spectacular scenery.

 We were stopped less than halfway round by a river which was not very easy to cross, I was really upset as I had intended to do the whole seven hour walk, what a shame, we only managed four. Sarah thinks I arranged it, Not true. 

 Back on the scooter and a long but delightful short cut over the mountains into the next valley. This was much nicer than the main road for us on the scooter and only ten miles further.  A very nice day in beautiful weather. Shorts on at last.

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