El Escorial

Continuing our journey north the next campsite we stopped at was El Escorial a splendid ASCI site close to Madrid. 

Our first visit in this area was to the Monastry/Palace of El Escorial which was built by Felipe 11 in the 16th C.  It is rather an austere building and it is very cold inside.  Most of the rooms are quite plain, with the exception of a few. The first part of the visit takes you through a museum of art with Flemish, Italian and Psanish paintings.  The Royal Pantheon, a marble mausoleum, contains the funerary urns of the Spanish Monarchs together with numerous rooms full of the coffins of the Royal families – all these sarcophagibegan to depress Rob so he was quite relieved to return to ground level and take in the beautiful fresco above the main staircase. From here the visit took us into the Basilica which has an ornate alterpiece and then across the courtyard to an amazing library with16thC ceiling frescoes.  It holds over 40,000 books, many of these are open displaying their intricate illustrations.  


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