Lake Doxa and the Feneos plateau

Another trip suggested by Manolis from our camp site takes us eastwards along the coast to Derveni where we pick up the road to Evrostina.
The road winds its way as usual through many tight bends and small villages.
This was the church on the outskirts of Evrostina.
We reach the high plain of Fenios. This plain is surrounded by the three highest peaks in the Pelopeneses, being Ziria to the east and Chelmos and Mt Ntourdonvana to the west.
From the road we cross the plain and arrive at the lake of Doxa which nestles between the mountains.
The area was artificially flooded leaving the small church of Fanouriou on a peninsular.

Another of those Bugs.

The setting of this lake is beautiful.
We head back down the valley passing the small Church of Steno.

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